Overview of how laser tattoo removal works
A lot of our clients are intrigued as to how the laser actually fades their tattoo. Without getting too technical and scientific, we would like to explain how the process works.
When a tattoo is put into the skin by a tattoo artist, the ink particles are large enough for your body to protect them – hence the fact that tattoos are supposed to be there for life.
Our laser is able to break up the ink particles which your body then recognises as something it needs to flush out. Your scavenger cells will be sent to the treatment site and begin clearing the broken ink particles.
Over the next six weeks or so, they will be flushed out of your body and the tattoo will fade.
Multiple treatments are needed to slowly break down the ink which is deeper in the skin, this is why the tattoo fades gradually.
If a tattoo has lots of shading, the shading will fade first as the ink is not as deep as line work.
Still have questions?
If you'd like to know more why not give us a call on 07539 279 355 or email us at ask@the-missing-ink.co.uk